The Mooji Sangha Shop was born from the natural urge to share Mooji’s pointings with those who are drawn to discover who or what they truly are at the deepest level.
Satsang is to recognise consciously our true nature.
Nothing on this earth or on the heavenly realms
can overwhelm or overcome you when you know who you truly are.
Your true Self is perfect, complete and unchanging.
And this discovery is the possibility and power,
the availability and invitation of Satsang.
~ Mooji
We aspire to make Satsang with Mooji and the creative expressions arising from the heart of Satsang readily available worldwide through recordings, books, music, artwork and other inspired ways. The Sangha works in loving service to Truth under Mooji’s guidance and in direct response to requests from you – our customers. In turn, the proceeds from the shop support Monte Sahaja and the worldwide sharing of Satsang.
We began quite organically in 2009 with a few computer-duplicated Satsang recordings requested after Satsangs in London, and have grown steadily ever since. At that time, we were able to offer the first of Mooji’s books – Before I Am – which is still available some 10 years later along with 7 other powerful books by Mooji. Soon afterwards, we began offering Moojibaba’s guided meditations and Satsang inspired music from the Sangha.
As more and more people are drawn to genuine self-realisation, the Mooji Sangha Shop continues to expand and diversify. We endeavour to keep the shop purely in service to Truth, as with all projects inspired by our love and gratitude for Satsang and Moojibaba.
In Loving Service,
Mooji Sangha Shop team