This powerful guided meditation arose spontaneously when Mooji began reading and expounding upon verses from the beautiful ancient text, Song of the Avadhut, the English translation of Dattatreya’s Avadhuta Gita. This guidance that arose from Mooji is deeply profound and carries a high spiritual quality and resonance. The meditation is accompanied with touching music and is a true gem for seekers.
“‘All infinite space is pervaded by the Self.’
…You can perceive nothing without space. Everything we see appears in space.
But the space we are not aware of, the space is Infinite.
We are attached to perceiving the finite,
the Infinite we do not see.
‘I am always unwavering, I am the absolute reality
I am nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss, I am everywhere like space.’
… All these things, but can you take him? Can you hear Avadhut?”
Spoken words: recorded in Monte Sahaja, Portugal on 15 September, 2019
Music: ‘Flying’ by Peder B. Helland
Mastered by Sadhu Om
Audio length: 49 minutes